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Blanche, congratulations on the baby boy! Welcome him to the company fam! 😎🎉
We are all thinking of you and enjoy the time off. Don't you dare log on!!
So happy for you, Blanche! I hope your dog Rover is excited to have a little brother ❤ (watch out, I hear she can get jealous). Have a great leave!
Have a great leave Blanche! Get some rest while you still can...
Congratulations Blanche!!
Can't wait for my Mark (who says hi from the picture above!) and Baby Blanche to be best friends very soon!
Let me know if you need anything while you are out 😊
Congratulations, Blanche! We will take care of everything while you are out. Any baby would be lucky to have you as a mom!
Be well.
I am as happy as this dog for you Blanche! Cannot WAIT to meet him.
Congrats again and let me know if you need anything!!
Be sure to add superstar mom to your already long list of amazing qualities! 🌟
Congratulations and wishing you a great first month!
Woo!! Can't believe it! Congratulations and can't wait to meet the little one!
Congrats Blanche! So amazing to add another member to your family. See you soon and get some rest 💤 💤